TESTicular PRESSurized TV View for Yiew


(Comedy Central)

SOUTH PARK is the greatest animated TV show there is. Hilarious dialogue and situations, profanity, sex, lots of toilet humor, cool songs, and ultra-violence.

Meet the kids from South Park.

Eric "Beefcake" Cartman, Kyle the Jew, Stan the Man, and Kenny, who gets killed in every episode (except for the fantastic Christmas show)

Isaac "Shaft" Hayes is the voice & soul of Chef, who croons sexual tunes at every opportunity - personal friend of Mr. Hanky, de Christmas Poo. Heiii-dy Ho!

Ned is the vietnam vet friend of Stan's Uncle, and talks through his neck voicebox.

Terrence&Phillip, Canadian farting stars of the boys' fave toilet humor cartoon, and heroes of their own episode "Not Without My Anus"

Stan's brother Ike is a li'l clone.

Hip theme song by Primus. Cool!

A cloning episode resulted in Stan's evil clone, and the attempt to breed an elephant with Cartman's pig, Fluffy

Jesus is the star of his own South Park Public Access Cable show.

He killed Santa

Sparky is Stan's Gay Dog

Here are two great links for South Park info, gifs & cool li'l animations



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